SOLVED PHYSICS AND BIOPHYSICS EXERCISES for common introductory course (CBC)




The issue of the schemes has a puzzle that perhaps you help me solve, and I'm pretty sure it will interest you. It' s this:

It comes from my experience as a teacher and after correcting approximately four thousand physics exams. When I put myself at correcting an exercise in kinematics and I find that the student presents a clear scheme, complete and without error, which plainly shows the situation the exercise utterance referres to ... then I know I can read the rest of the exercise development with a certain lightness, since the probability of finding subsequent errors is almost null. It seems a well-done scheme ensures success.

And vice versa: when I start to correct the exercise and no scheme is presented, or it' s incomplete, or very rudimentary, or it has mistakes, then I know I have to look carefully at the development of the exercise because it inevitably contains fatal errors.

Exposed and correct scheme...

Missing or failed scheme...

99,99% chance of success

99.99% chance of failure


There's something about schemes, I don't know exactly what it is ... but they seem to be the key to success. It's a shame teachers don't cultivate in themselves nor in their students the ability to make schemes.

Here you have a detailed description of the preparation of schemes. Think about it.

  Ricardo cabrera
Some rights reserved. Reproduction permitted if quoting the source. Last updated on Feb 13. Translated gy Patricia Pilgrim. Buenos Aires, Argentina.