english version
(Vectorial kinematics)


NMS 1.1- The population A of our Buenos Aires province is sited 160km to the East and 120km to the north of city M. The population B is sited 90km to the East and 120km to the South, also, of city M.
    a- Adopt a reference system and determine the position vector of the three landmarks.
     b- A plane takes off from A at 07:00 h and lands in B at 09:00 h. Determine it´s displacement vector.
     c- Find the average speed vector of the plane in this trip, from A to B, calculate it´s modulus.
     d- at 9:30 de plane takes off from B and lands in M at 11:00h. It loads merchandise and gas, and it takes off at 15:00h to arrive to population A at 16:40h. Find the plane´s average speed vector of the plane in each indicated interval, and find the average speed vector for all the trip (from 07:00h to 16:40h).
     e. In a scheme of the place, draw all the posible trajectories, to accomplish the same trip. How many of them are possible to draw?
Grafico No me salen - Ricardo Cabrera

a - (above)- Position vectors are also called "r" wich comes from ratio.
Also, for being a vector, a little arrow is drawn above them. Y didn´t draw them because in html (the language web pages use) there are no above arrow characters available so I should replace them for images. Maybe I´ll do it some day. I portrayed the vectors in red. I chose a reference system centered in M, then, position vector rM has no drawing.

        rA = 160 km î + 120 km ĵ

        rB = 90 km î 120 km ĵ

        rM = 0 km î + 0 km ĵ

Si no te acordás cómo se suman y restan vectores, podés ir a mis apuntes sobre vectores.

î and ĵ are vectors of modulus 1, called versores, their objetive is to join the vectorial characteristics of a number and tell where it is pointing to. Usually it is portrayed with a little hat or a little comma above (replacing the typical i and j) . Versor î has the same direcction and sense in the x axis, as the ĵ versor in the y axis.

b - The displacement vector, ΔrAB, is the vectorial substraction between the position vectors (you take the final one and subtract the one from the beginning), rB rA; to find it, you have to subtract component by component  Just look.

ΔrAB =  rB rA

ΔrAB = (90 km 160 km ) î + (120 km 120 km) ĵ

ΔrAB = 70 km î 240 km ĵ

I portrayed it in green. You will find them repeated twice; The thing above is the geometric operation: to subtract two vectors you just have to connect both ends. The subtract vector always has it´s origin in the first one and ends in the second one.

If I portray the analytically obtained subtract vector in the same reference system as the position vectors, I get the exact same vector, but centered in the origin of the reference system. Give it a good look, you have it there.

c -The average speed

vm = Δr / Δt

To analytically obtain the vector vm, you hae to divide each component of the Δr by the time interval. Look:

vm = 35 km/h î 120 km/h ĵ

The modulus of a vector (how lenghty is it´s portrayal) is obtained by the theorem of Pitagoras.

|vm| = [ ( 35 km/h)² + (120 km/h ]½

|vm| = 125 km/h

d - This... This I´ll leave it to you. I´ll just leave you a guide and the answers.

ΔtBM = 1,5 h,        ΔtMA = 1,66 h

vmBM = 60 km/h î + 80 km/h ĵ

vmMA = 96 km/h î + 72 km/h ĵ

vmAA = 0 km/h î + 0 km/h ĵ

e -You draw the other two trajectories. If you are going to draw on my drawing you are best by printing it first. Because drawing on the glass of the monitor is incovenient. Realice: there is an infinite amount of possible trajectories, it is not necessary for the plane to travel rectilinearly, following the vectors, The displacement depends exclusively on the position of the final and beginning of the trip. That´s the definition, do not get angry about that, It´s usefull and that´s all. The path of the plane, the length of the total travel, call it as you want... is not the same as displacement (at least in the physics language).

exponente ½
es lo mismo que
raíz cuadrada
CHALLENGE: redo the problem, with a reference system orientated the same way as mine, but with it´s center located 100 km to the North and 200 km to the East of M.   Ricardo Cabrera
Some rights reserved. Reproduction allowe by quoting the source. Translated by Santi Pisci. Last Updated jul-15. Buenos Aires, Argentina.